Daučkėnų Manor

Daučkėnų Manor

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Daučkėnų dvaras

4.4 (8 reviews)
Unnamed Road, 39471, Lithuania

Tourist attraction

Daučkenu dvarde - in Daučkenai, Pasvalis district, Krinčinas seniūnija, from Pasvalis 20 km north-east. Near the river Upytė, driving from Gulbinai to Gulbinai (Biržų r.). The Garden of the Manor was created in the second half of the 19th century – in the beginning of the 19th century. Building fragments: single-level wall palace with mesonine in the center covered by a classic four-collar portrait, remnants of several farm buildings. Building on stone wall foundations, walls inclined, white painted. Former Manor owners Verbutas ... Wikipedia