Kullamaa järv

Kullamaa järv

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4.8 (8 reviews)
Kullamaa järv, Kullamaa, 90701 Lääne maakond, Estonia

Natural place

The lake of Kullamaa (also the artificial lake of Kullamaa) is an artificial lake in Lääne-Nigula municipality in Kullamaa village. The length of the lake's shore line is 2016. The lake has emerged from a previous career. The Marimetsa Nature Reserve is located right north of the lake. Kullamaa–Silla tea and Kirimäe–Kirna–Kullamaa tea from the crossroads (from the church of Goldland) the lake is about 1.1 km northwest. The lake of Kullamaa is an unpublic water body with a limit zone of 50 m. The environmental register of the lake of Kullamaa is VEE2028510. Wikipedia