Babrų ežeras

Babrų ežeras

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4.8 (13 reviews)
Babrų ež., 67204, Lithuania

Natural place

Lake Babrų – lake in southwest Lithuania, Lazdiju district, 7,5 km west from Seirijas. Length in the north-south direction 1.9 km, width up to 0.51 km. The maximum depth is 25,3 m. The length of the shore line is 4.5 km. Shores sweat, plated, only western status, almost totally grown in narrow trees and bushes. The lake is surrounded by hill-floored fields. In the south of the lake of Paliūnai flows the unnamed river (Sutrės intakas). Mythological studies carried out in 2014 showed that the lake is rich in... Wikipedia