Sõrve tuletorn

Sõrve tuletorn

Kopeeri jagamislink

Sõrve Lighthouse

4.8 (1310 hinnangut)
Sääre, 93249 Saare maakond, Eesti


Esmaspäev, Teisipäev, Kolmapäev, Neljapäev, Reede, Pühapäev: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Laupäev: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
We're happy to announce that this summer, a long-held dream of ours and our visitors will come true: Sõrve lighthouse – the first ever built on Saaremaa – will open its doors 16.06.2018!
Opened 24.05-05.09.2024 Eevery day in the Summer
Mon - Sun 10.00 - 19.00
Other time pre-booking please!
Will open doors every day from sping 24.05. 2024!
It is one of the most impressive lighthouses on the island. Plans to open it formed nearly five years ago, and this year it will finally happen thanks to funding
We're happy to announce that this summer, a long-held dream of ours and our visitors will come true: Sõrve lighthouse – the first ever built on Saaremaa – will open its doors 16.06.2018!
Opened 24.05-05.09.2024 Eevery day in the Summer
Mon - Sun 10.00 - 19.00
Other time pre-booking please!
Will open doors every day from sping 24.05. 2024!
It is one of the most impressive lighthouses on the island. Plans to open it formed nearly five years ago, and this year it will finally happen thanks to funding from Enterprise Estonia.
The European Regional Development Fund is providing 111,629.14 euros in support of the project. The goal is to open up the lighthouse to guests.
We are creating an exciting and long-awaited attraction for thousands of people. Everyone can admire the gorgeous Sõrvemaa area, the sea and Latvia on the horizon. The lighthouse is a substantial landmark and symbol, and many have waited for the opportunity to admire the views from the top. Having survived several wars and restorations, the lighthouse is the tallest on the Baltic Sea at 52 metres. Our wish is to open up the lighthouse to people during the 100th anniversary year of the Republic of Estonia!
Revival of Industrial heritage for tourism development
Project has ambitions to revise the industrial heritage resources in the programme area and to build the tourism product – joint route with thematic sub-routes (mills and hydroelectric power stations, old manufacturing sites, railway heritage, lighthouses and water towers), which demonstrate industrial heritage and tell the history in an attractive and participatory way.
Partners: "Gulbenes - Alūksnes bānītis" Ltd, "Ķoņu dzirnavas" Ltd., Aizpute county municipality, AS Generaator, Estonian Lighthouse Society, Foundation of Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums, Foundation South-Estonian Tourism, Freeport of Ventspils Authority, Jaunpils Municipality, Ķekava Municipality, Koceni Municipality Council, Kuldiga District Council, Kurzeme planning region, Lääne-Nigula Municipality, Ligatne Municipality, Limbažu Tīne, Ltd., Limex Ltd., Ltd. “WOOL FACTORY”, NGO Sõrve Lighthouse, NGO Alatskivi Nature Centre, NGO Altveski, NGO Estonian Peat Musuem, NGO Hellenurme Watermill-Museum, NGO West-Estonia Tourism, Räpina Paper Factory, Rideli Mill, Ltd., Riga Planning Region, Saule Bīriņu Pils, Ltd., Society "Train station Airīte", Vidzeme Planning Region
Topic: Heritage tourism
Start date: 2017-05-01
End date: 2019-04-30
Total budget: 1 143 135.40 EUR
ERDF contribution: 971 665.09 EUR