Valguma Pasaule / Baskāju taka

Valguma Pasaule / Baskāju taka

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Valguma Pasaule

4.7 (1159 hinnangut)
Atpūtas komplekss Valgums, Smārdes pagasts, LV-3129, Latvia
Pirmdiena, Otrdiena, Trešdiena, Ceturtdiena, Piektdiena: 10:00–20:00
Sestdiena, Svētdiena: 10:00–21:00

Sit on the lava, enjoy the moderate heat
and a wonderful view of Lake Valgum).
Towels will be prepared for the couple, warm blankets on the sauna terrace, lit candles, bathtubs for soaking feet, a watering can to sprinkle each other with refreshingly cold water. We will serve warm herbal tea and water with lemon.

*The opportunity to relax in the warm outdoor tub.
The price:
Sauna WITHOUT tub - 75. 00 €/3h
Sauna WITH tub - 125.00 €/4h

Hotel gests sauna 60,00€/3h+50,00€ tub/4h